Ahoj 380V,
chtěli byste se zúčastnit největšího světového festivalu Emergenza?
Pro naše koncerty v Metro Music Bar se můžete zaregistrovat na našich stránkách www.emergenza.net do 30. 11. 2011!
Emergenza team
in summer 2012 we want to like touring through Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Are you interested in working with us?
We need support for a two weekstour in the last week of June and first week of July.
In return we want you to offer shows in berlin.
We are not a commercial company. We are poor musicians who just want to rock and just want to meet other bands.
We think that it is a good idea, if we replace each other.
thanks and best greetings from berlin
woischen from bloodyworldrecords