Constans Compromissum - Novinky |

Constans Compromissum metal / Topoľčany

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Killer´s Thoughts (EP Immersed In Darkness 2021)
  • Queen Of The Forests (EP Immersed In Darkness 2021)
  • The Hatred (EP Immersed In Darkness 2021)
  • Immersed In Darkness (EP Immersed In Darkness 2021)
  • Just Three Words.
  • My Madness.
  • In Dying.
  • The Witch.
  • Sons Of Destruction.
  • Manipulation.
  • Ill Break You.
  • Evolution.
  • ...´Cause I Want It Like This!


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Queen Of The Forests

Queen of the woods, on a wooden throne
She sings stories and legends
Mysterious myths born in blood
Sacrifices to the powers, in the land of the undead

She extended her arms, embracing the world
This gesture means only one
So come to me, get closer
I reveal evil forever asleep

Black night
Nothing to see
Only singing
It comes from sinister lips

Bloody legacy, black night
Nothing to see, just howling trees
Only singing, so grieving
It comes from sinister lips

Ice Palace turns into hell
I stand alone in the middle of the fire
Desperate hope, godless work
I feel strongly the breath of death

That dark smirk, glowing eyes
The Queen of the forests is rising
The Queen of the forests invokes the evil

The Queen of the forests is rising
The Queen of the forests invokes the evil
It feels a frost, a burning feeling

autor: Juraj Thal Grežďo

The Hatred

(Upraveno: )

You´re bleeding, under the sing of guilt
Sin is what controls you
The power of hatred eats you from inside
Beast seeded a seed to you


Glooms are fate and a fate is gloomy
The choice is quite obvious
But uncertainty in your heart 
it leans to the side of evil

Fake smiles, they possessed you long time ago
Bad looks, they engraved deeply
You reject the existence of love, it is a delusion
You know, it´s all just a game

Fake smiles, Bad looks, Hatred..

Your disease
It turns into a tuft of hate
For hellish grudge
The power of dread
You only see a violence
You live in blind revenge

Towards to anger
You cross the river of death
And nothing behind it, just emptiness

Repeat chorus..

autor: Juraj Thal Grežďo