ADACTA - Zlost (Tma, 2015)
Vznik: 8.9.2015
ZLOSŤ Miesim železo
Točím mlynské koleso
Drvím kameň rukami
Obklopený idiotmi
Kričím na plné hrdlo
Inak by ma roztrhlo
Zatváram sa doma sám
Pred ľudmi sa ukrývam
Vždy na nich doplatím
Raz niekoho zaškrtím
Kričím na plné hrdlo
Inak by ma roztrhlo
Zanevrel som na ľudí
Zanevrel na ľudí
Tisíckrát spálený
Tisíckrát zjazvený
Už ma nič nespasí
Ani láska nie asi
Kričím na plné hrdlo
Inak by ma roztrhlo
Zanevrel som na ľudí
Zanevrel na ľudí
Kneading iron like a dough
Turning millwheels with my toe
Grinding rocks with my own hand
All alone in imbeciles’ land
I’m screaming my lungs out
‘Cause otherwise I‘d go berserk
I lock myself up at home
To avoid people, to be alone
I always seem to pay their debts
I will end up choking someone to death
I’m screaming my lungs out
‘Cause otherwise I‘d go berserk
I took an intense dislike for people
Dislike for people
I got burnt a thousand times
I got scarred a thousand times
There’s nothing to save me from the hatred above
Nothing really, not even love
I’m screaming my lungs out
‘Cause otherwise I‘d go berserk
I took an intense dislike for people
Dislike for people