Kapela MAZE OF CHAOS dokončila své debutové album s názvem "Maze of Chaos". Momentálně hledá vydavatele. Dvě skladby z alba si můžete poslechnout na www.mazeofchaos.com.
Vydavatel z Asie Black Mystic Production vydá split-CD, na kterém budou kapely MAZE OF CHAOS a ADAGIO FUNEBRE (má maličkost složila veškerou hudbu pro obě kapely).
Heretic - zpěv, texty
David Hradílek - bezpražcová baskytara, kytary, hudba
album: MAZE OF CHAOS - Maze of Chaos
01 - The Cellar Where I Devoured You
02 - Behind the Veil of Nothingness
03 - The Ancient Entity
04 - The Depths of Madness
05 - Mental Holocaust
06 - The Epitaph of the Ages
07 - The Emptiness of Creation
08 - The Echoes of Chaos
09 - Into Oblivion
The MAZE OF CHAOS band has finished its debut album entitled "Maze of Chaos". The band is currently looking for a record label. You can listen to two songs from the album at www.mazeofchaos.com.
Black Mystic Production, a record label from Asia, is going to release a split-CD of MAZE OF CHAOS and ADAGIO FUNEBRE, the bands (yours truly composed all the music of the both bands).
Heretic - vocals, lyrics
David Hradílek - fretless bass, guitars, music
album: MAZE OF CHAOS - Maze of Chaos
01 - The Cellar Where I Devoured You
02 - Behind the Veil of Nothingness
03 - The Ancient Entity
04 - The Depths of Madness
05 - Mental Holocaust
06 - The Epitaph of the Ages
07 - The Emptiness of Creation
08 - The Echoes of Chaos
09 - Into Oblivion