sháníme basáka a zpěváka!
your ignorance will punch you straight to your face!
-i don't care about your minds
fucking puppet who act like bitch
checking everyone who turns out of lines
and norms have down on the low pitch
-you think that you're something more than lower class
for money you'll be fucked straight to your ass!
ref:-modern slavery,struggles to survive
if you don't listen to the rules
you'll be homeless rest of your fucking life
-one of many in the human flock
affected by political system
you shoud realize that you're living like an inmate
who's paid for slavery for ideals by political masters
thei'r ideals will be our disaster!
ref:modern slavery,struggles to survive
if you don't listen to the rules
you'll be homeless rest of your fucking life
rest of your patetic life!
fucking posers on the scene!!!
ref:-thrasher poser that's what you are
thrasher poser you'll be all the time
-you're changing hair style by the trends
you wanna be better than rest of your friends
-you started with trandy punk after that you was a ska-punk junk
hardcore starts to be fancy and you know only rancid
suddenly you found the thrash and again you changed yourself
changed yourself
you're playing patetic punk you call it thrash
you coud have haircut as fucking slash!
-what can i say at last?
just leave that scene
and we'll give you a bless
thrash was here before you even born
you discovered now when that music is kind of old!
ref:thrasher poser that's what you are
thrasher poser you'll be all the time
-all the time you screaming thrash
when i ask you how many bands you know
you just say municipal waste.
-this is a song for you all
and rest of you all
beer on her tits that's what we like
to lick her pussy when beer comes to our mouth
hangover is our way
'couse we are living only 24hours a day
i hate fuckholes who can't see
how much party is importmant to me
this is a song for you all
who drinks and smokes but not use the dope
grinding,moshing,party all the time
'couse we wanna die wasted and young
ref:we like the party's and party' like us
we are stoned all the time and we are fucking proud
when we are smoke around with our friends of underground
'couse something is more than nothing
(dont be a pussy and drink with us,oh sorry!you are a straight edge ass)
-this is a song for you all
and rest of you all
beer on her tits that's what we like
to lick her pussy when beer comes to our mouth
hangover is our way
'couse we are living only 24hours a day
i hate fuckholes who can't see
how much party is importmant to me
this is a song for you all
who drinks and smokes but not use the dope
grinding,moshing,party all the time
'couse we wanna die wasted and young!
-we don't want your money
we don't have a hope
we just want to grind your dirty soul!
Velmi zkráceně..
Koncem roku 2001 se potkali dva úplně rozlišní lidé se stejným zájmem pro kalby a hubdu. Tahali se spolu a působili v různých kapelách, začinajíc od NOISE WAVE přes SKUTEK UTEK k FULLY MECHANIZED. Zlorth a Byzo celou dobu měli zálusk na pouhý čistokrevný HARDCORE – GRINDCORE a na maximální undergroun, což znamenalo žádný internet, blogy (myspace, bandzone, facebook, ...) žádný merchandise atd. Pouze název kapely, zkoušky, koncerty a pořádný hangover pařby.
V roce 2008 si po 7 letech intenzivního kalení a hraní začali lízt na nervy a řekli si, že každej zkusí jít svou cestou. Zlorth si založil hardcore bandu RAISEDEAD a Byzo začal působit v již rozjetých hc-punkových P.N.S.
Po cca 3 letech odpočinku jeden od druhého se sešli v jedné žižkovské knajpě, vše si vyjasnili a už to bylo.
Zlorth : „hc-metal? Super!” ; Byzo : “hc-punk? Ok!”
Zlorth a Byzo : “Ale kde je kurva GRiNDCORE?”
A tohle byla (jediná rozumná) klíčová slova těchto dvou kámošů z Prahy, aby začali znova spolu hrát to co jim duše přikáže a to co mají celou dobu ve svém srdci. Nebo-li žádný pózerský hledání stylu a image. Tady to máte AFTERCOME. To jsme my!
P.S. : Tohle je náš úplně první blog (bandzone), naše úplně první špinavý demo a úplne POPRVÉ budeme působit jako „ofiko“ kapela.
Tak doufám, že se Vám to bude líbit a přijdete na náš koncert se pobavit a zakalit.
NÁZEV AFTERCOME – znamená „po příchodu“ neboli po naší pauze a po našem příchodu jsme opět silnější a o to víc ready zničit pódia.
Pro GOREGRIND perverzáky jsme AFTERCUM – to co následuje po mrdce!! Pissing? Kaviár? Jít spát?je to na Vás.
A pro který není ani tohle tak jsme A.C.M.E. a to zná snad každý!!!
Ve finále říkáme ahoj a děkujeme našemu příteli YANKIČOVI za help s basou a atmosférou!