Angmar - Názory |

Angmar black-metal / Banská Bystrica

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Prízrak
  • Warriors cry
  • To Those Who Reflected About Fall Of The World
  • Warmarch of satanic infantry

Pro přidání příspěku se prosím přihlašte.

Bez profilu


nazdar ak si chcete zahrat v ziline v smerre ozvite sa na azete na nick wolcar zatim tepic este tam bude hrat PHATOLOGI STENCH-PORFYRIA-MOONFOG-GAZDASGRIND-INCR EASING PASSION-BUDE TO 13.12

Bez profilu

Sam Sebou je vcelku...zaujimavy pocin..:)


Zdravím, tu Slavfist!
No komenty sú fajn, dúfam, že sa autori ešte ozvú, nech sa znova pobavíme :-)
Ďakujeme za pochvalu!! Ja si Ťa zrejme pamätám, ak si to ty, ale spoza bicích toho väčšinou moc nevidím. K zvuku sa neviem vyjadriť, ja som bol rád, že som aspoň seba nejako počul v tom malom priestore.
Tak sa maj, nech sa darí!!

Bez profilu

Sage / PR / Heathen Harvest


This is Sage from the Heathen Harvest Webzine! We have taken an interest in your releases, since they are relevant to the scope of genres we are dealing with, and would very much like to receive a promo for your latest release Angmar - Lesná Mohyla, as well as any other releases you would like reviewed on our website. We can assure you that the release will be sent to a reviewer who is relevant to this specific genre, and that the review will be a fair and objective piece of writing.

Heathen Harvest is an established international webzine, and we make sure our reviewers abide by specific standards of quality writing, exhibiting the proper respect towards the material they are reviewing. In addition, you are notified as soon as your promo arrives at the HH headquarters, and as soon as the review appears online.

Review material, as well as any additional informative material, can be sent to the following address:

Heathen Harvest
PO BOX 222
Hyampom, CA 96046

You are welcome to contact me for any other inquiries, remarks, review feedback, promotional information, interview requests and anything else you may require.

Thank you for your attention, and we are looking forward to cooperating with you.

Cordial Regards,

-Sage L. Weatherford -+- PR Representative
Heathen Harvest Webzine