CD BELLY ERROR: The Body - Basic Demography
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Hey! Pod labelem Bizarre Leprous Production právě vyšlo CD od BELLY ERROR: The Body – Basic Demography (X.2022). Jedná se o dva demáče na jednom cédéčku, které by nemělo chybět v žádné sbírce gore maniaka. Za 250,- kačáků (10 €) lze tento kulturní
šperk objednat a zakoupit na éšopu Bizarre Leprous. A nebo koupit v Tatoo salónu u Geretha v Kromclu.
Hey! The CD by BELLY ERROR: The Body – Basic Demography has just been released under the Bizarre Leprous Production label. These are two demos on one CD, which should not be missing in any gore maniac's collection. This cultural gem can be ordered
and purchased at the Bizarre Leprous e-shop for 250 CZK (10 €).