Bierfront - O kapele |

Bierfront thrash / HU-CZ-SK

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What the fuck are you looking for
Take my vine , Ill cut your throath

What the fuck are you looking at me
Im drunk, you are clowns for me

Wein ist alles, Uber Alles
Wein ist alles
Uber alle uber alle uber alles

I dont cae what do you think
So you can suck my dick

My only wish is to drink my vine
Heil Heil Heil Vine!!!

Wein ist alles, Uber Alles
Wein ist alles
Uber alle uber alle uber alles

Vine is runing down my throat
My agressive body is waking
Wakes up to kill all thoose fuckers
Kill thoose stupid clowns

Wein ist alles, Uber Alles
Wein ist alles
Uber alle uber alle uber alles




To be an idiot is dificult today
All people are stupid competition is big
We have only one life so have a lot of fun
Get smashed, fuck women, drink seas of vine

We are idiots - Hardcore idiots

I dont want you to like me i will never change
Hate me because of who I am it is just your problem
Iam an insane alcoholik who is more?
Iam an idiot a hardcore idiot

We are idiots - Hardcore idiots

If you think we are stupid fuckers - we dont care
If you think we are arrogant - we dont care
if you think we are idiots - we dont care
if you think we cares what you think - you are wrong - mother fucking faggot

To be an idiot is dificult today
All people are stupid competition is big
We have only one life so have a lot of fun
Get smashed, fuck women, drink seas of vine

We are idiots - Hardcore idiots




These days theres nothing that can surpsrise me

people are getting more and more stupid
pissing me off with their fucked up opinion

Iam no fucking interested
what they think about me
coz there is one thing that makes me happy

eins zwei drei
bier macht frei

eins zwei drei
bier macht frei

These days theres nothing that can surpsrise me
people are getting more and more stupid
pissing me off with their fucked up behavior

bithes are standing at every corner
gypsies are spending my own money
there is only one thing that can calm me down

eins zwei drei
bier macht frei

eins zwei drei
bier macht frei



The time is here , We have arrived
Armies of alcoholics
Armed with glasses of shiney and wine
Destroying the absteiners world

Enemies will bow on their knees
Forced to dink alcohol
This is the way, we reach our goal
This is the way to ALCOHOLOCAUST

We are ready, resolved to fight
No one can stop us tonight
Merciless war but the power of allmighty
Arctic birds is on our side

Enemies will bow on their knees
Forced to dink alcohol
This is the way, we reach our goal
This is the way to ALCOHOLOCAUST

The war is now finished our mission is done
We have now to celebrate
World is now ours everyone's drunk
There is no chaste human being

Enemies will bow on their knees
Forced to dink alcohol
This is the way, we reach our goal
This is the way to ALCOHOLOCAUST




Everiday in pub, drinking our beer - this is our only pleasure
lovely beer with froth in its top  - it is our bigest treasure
if you are a real man              - sit down and join us
but if you are a shitty asshole    - get a fuck away

Drink with us , or against us

till we drink beer , everithing is fine - everione is happy and kind
but when we taste the evil vodka - agression grows in our minds
we are not faggot that smokes the weed - we are not hippies
dont stand in our way because we are BIERFRONT - we will kick you in teeth

drink with us , or against us

Dont fuck with us dont try it
We are drunk as hell
You are drinking against us
Go fuck yourself

Everiday in pub, drinking our beer - this is our only pleasure
lovely beer with froth in its top  - it is our bigest treasure
we are not faggot that smokes the weed - we are not hippies
dont stand in our way because we are BIERFRONT - we will kick you in teeth

drink with us , or against us