Black Holes - Novinky |

Black Holes rock-alternative / Praha

Sledovat Tip týdne

24. září 2018
Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Goodbye (Single 2022)
  • The City (Single 2022)
  • Dispossessed (Single 2022)
  • Not Far Away (New Single 2021)
  • 8th
    No Silver Lining
  • Liquid Silver
    No Silver Lining
  • Folie à deux
    No Silver Lining
  • 2Hearts
    No Silver Lining
  • RWDL
    No Silver Lining
  • Shuffle
    No Silver Lining
  • Creature
    No Silver Lining
  • Black Hole
    No Silver Lining
  • Liquid Silver (SIngle 2019)
  • Black Hole (Single 2018)
  • AW (Single 2017)
  • The Liar (Single 2017)

Our first single out - The Liar

(Upraveno: )

Je to venku! Náš první singl The Liar je od teď k poslechu. Doufáme, že se vám bude líbit a budete nás sledovat na našich profilech, kde se brzy dozvíte víc! 


Here's our new single! It's called The Liar and it's our very first single out. We really hope you'll like it. Don't forget to like, share, comment and subscribe for more. 

Black Holes out now!

(Upraveno: )
I přes nové jméno na české hudební scéně mají členové Black Holes za sebou řadu vystoupení ať už jako support zahraničních kapel (My Name is Music, Exit Calm, Carnival Youth) nebo v rámci festivalů zahrnující například United Islands. Nyní se rozhodli pokračovat pouze ve dvojčlenném uskupení. Katka (basová kytara, zpěv) a Martin (bicí) propojují masivní kytarový zvuk s melodickými chytlavými zpěvy. Na podzim roku 2017 nahráli jejich první singl, který vypustí během listopadu. 
Although a new name on the Czech music scene, members of Black Holes, Kate (bass, vocals) and Martin (drums) have been a part of the scene for some time now. They supported various artists like My Name is Music (AU), Exit Calm (UK), Carnival Youth (LV) and conquered several festival stages including United Islands with their previous band.
At the beginning of the year they began to practice in the rehearsal room and jam for joy. Search for guitarists across the music scene has ultimately brought them to play as a two-member set only. "I always approached bass more like a guitarist and I've been experimenting a lot with different pedal effects," says Kate. "We want both of the instruments to stand out and now there is more room for it," adds Martin.
Black Holes enjoy the contrast between a massive guitar sound and melodic pop vocals. In September, the band recorded their first single, which will officially be released in early November.