Bloody Redemption - Help me find the nails for Christ (Official
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 26.1.2017
Bloody Redemption - help me find the nails for christ (Official Track) taken from incoming debut album Infected Minds. Recorded in SPK audio. Video created by Jan Poliak. https://www.facebook.com…
SPK audio (https://www.facebook.com/spk.audio.sk)
Jan Poliak photo (https://www.facebook.com/Ja%C5%88%C3…
You worship man trapped in history
Inspired by the devil's biblical story
Wind blows from Golgotha to calm your fever
And fills your heart with an ancient evil
This man is dead and others come here
Maybe holy, but you do not want to see
You have tarnished his name of religions
Priest needs a cunt and Christ needs crucifixion
Under the bloody skies
What see your bind eyes?
Burn book of holy lies
Help me find the nails for christ
Messiah must be crucified forever
Third nail is my final passage to heaven
Your hope ends in the flames of inquisition
Baptism is the beginning of malediction
World don't need icons of cowardice
Lose your powers when you are on your knees
Take back past from pray to reality
Cross is the symbol of pain and brutality
Under the bloody skies
What see your blind eyes?
Burn book of holy lies
Help me find the nails for christ
Beatiful lies and ugly truth
A way of better knowing God
Beatiful lies and ugly truth
You gain power from Jesus' blood
First nail infects your body
Second nail takes your mind
Third nail burns your soul
And fills your heart with sin and lust!