CD Unfit 4 heaven
Nove CD je na svete takze pokial by ste o neho mali zaujem piste na alebo na
Nove CD je na svete takze pokial by ste o neho mali zaujem piste na alebo na
Boli pridane nove terminy koncertov, checkujte v sekcii Koncerty:) Novy album Unfit 4 heaven je uz v predaji, ukazky dalsich songov si mozete vypocut na
10 years of Burnside & CD Release Show
On the 11th april it´s judgement day. Burnside records will celebrate the 10 years anniversary in the legendary Arena and in the course of it we´ll play all shit of our new audio-hammer "Unfit 4 Heaven" first time public. Naca 7 and OAC will
support this magic show and will help turnin´ this evening into a special moment in our history. All we can say: "Be prepared for the living might - we all are unfit for heaven!"
Hope to see ya there.
Official release of our 4th longplayer: 1st april 2008 !