Bride of Frankenstein - O kapele |

Bride of Frankenstein hard rock-rock'n'roll / Liberec

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Insomniac
  • The Last Hope
  • Expensive Whore

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Harfa
Nástrojové obsazení: Balalajka
Nástrojové obsazení: Triangl
Nástrojové obsazení: Scream, Cimbál

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Bride of Frankenstain

( Susak83)


You have created man

Let's make his mate

we create a new race

asked Dr. Proterius


he was digging in the graves

he was stitching dead tissue

it will be a nightmare

Who scares in daylight


the air is electrified

it will be a great storm

she was created of corpses

She belongs death


monster is alive

she hates life

likes death, kill us!

do what the creatures asks


 hey! she is, she is a fucking monster

she is, she is a bride of creature

she is bride of monster

she is bride of Franken - stain!


 (Susak83, SickDuck)

My heart is hurting

I hold a dagger in my hand

The dagger is sharp

It is tearing my skin



My body becomes a beast

There is no sanity in me

When midnight strikes the beast comes alive in me

No one is safe around me




Blood is bursting out of my chest

The time is still

I want the midnight to come

I want pure dark black night



Im losing control

Coming back by sunrise

Night takes over my body

The shift hurts so much




My body becomes a beast

There is no sanity in me

When midnight strikes the beast comes alive in me

No one is safe around me





The devils rejects



The Devil told them to be born

You can’t escape , the Oath was sworn

Bound to each other, never free

They are as cruel as Death can be


Not hiding from the light of day

Devilish creatures, beasts of prey

They got the power from below

Where bloody rivers start to flow


Endless hatred, endless fear

They will never shed a tear

Until their victims find their trace

Until they meet Death face to face


Watch out, my child, the Devil knows

You will believe the things he shows

He hides behind an angel face

To clasp you in his cruel embrace


Just run away, run fast, my dear

Youre living in the age of fear

They’ll leave you bleeding on the floor

If you let them find an open door





In the night        

I saw you sleeping

In the morning

I knew what you had dreamed about

In the evening

I found the beast

Inside myself

That I shouldn’t have found


I didn’t want to

Face the daylight

I didn’t want to see the truth

I didn’t try to

Resist all the things I loved

and which I hated, too


You knew

You could kill me

And you

Tried hard to do your best

Oh no

Oh no I love you

But it was a different person

Who I saw beside me  

Deep inside myself

Expensive whore



tonight's the night

we'll fuck

you'll drunk

Your time has come



I met you in a bar

You were too sexy

I wanna fuck you now,

but you played hard to get


I'm not your daddy

boring me to call you honey

Now you pay me

you were, and you are whore



I brought you flowers

go with you to the movies

I caught your hand

I started want more


I'm not your daddy

boring me to call you honey

Now you pay me

you were, and you are whore



You did not sit in the corner

I paid the expensive dinner

you cost me a lot of money

I Made of you a first lady

R: tonight's the night

we'll fuck

you'll drunk

Your time has come

Bio a historie

            Kapela ve složení Sušák, SickDuck, Wiry Crusher a Hrabě fon Pavlovic začala zkoušet někdy ke konci roku 2011 ve starém pivovaře ve Vratislavicích ,kde sdíleli zkušebnu z dalšíma dvěma kapelami. Zatím to bylo ještě bezejmenné uskupení, které zkoušelo pár coverů aby zjistili jestli to vůbec půjde.

             V únoru 2012 si sehnali vlastní zkušebnu a hraní věnovali již více času.  Začali skládat vlastní tvorbu, Jejich hudba a texty jsou hororově laděné, protože žánr horor je velmi oblíbený u členů kapely. Jejich zvuk  je ovlivněn kapelami jako jsou nebo byli Ramones, Misfits, Mötley Crüe, Murderdolls a nebo Slayer.  "

            Název kapely " Bride of Frankenstain"  vzniká podle jednoho z nejznámějších klasických hororů filmové historie a to Frankenstainova nevěsta.

            Pro členy kapely je zkoušení a hraní koníčkem číslo 1,a zároveň odreagováním se od dnešní uspěchané doby, protože u nich ve zkušebně je vždy kravál jako kráva, pivo tam teče proudem a zahuleno je tam taky slušně....

            A co říci nakonec? no snad jen to ať to klukům hraje, mají dobré nápady a zlepšují se!