Naše šestá deska SUPAY vyšla 30.10. Jsme zvědaví, co budete na novou dávku naší muziky a hravý obal říkat, tak nám pište. Nevíte si s obalem rady? Mrkněte sem. Info o desce najdete tady.
Hraje nás i tohle americké rádio.
6.11. vyšel rozhovor v elektronickém časáku Headliner, V listopadovém čísle časopisu Rock and roll je rozhovor s Karlem Heřmanem. 30.11. vyšel článek o desce v Týdeniku rozhlas. V prosincovém čísle
časopisu Rock & All vyšla recenze. Tady je cestovatelský roozhovor se Sysynem. Rozhovor s Karlem v pořadu Vlna z Brna Brněnské TV, se
Sysynem tady.
Kraťoučké video k vydání. První recenze je tady. Holandská! A níže je její AJ verze. Máme i české: od Milana Tesaře, další od JIřího Karbana, který dal desce
90 %, Ondry Bezra, Karla Součka, Jardy Konáše v Headlineru. Díky.
The Czech seven piece band Čankišou has been active now for over 15 years. They have already released five albums, on which you will find a wild mixture of ethnic music and rock with energetic rhythms. They are for that matter often inspired by their
trips to Mongolia, Ukraine, Pakistan and India, amongst other countries. Over the years their sound has been increasingly shifted towards the rock side. On their sixth achievement they again found many ways an approaches to create their music. They have
again a varied set of instruments, such as saxophone, didgeridoo, kalimba, banjo, flute, bass, harmonica, ukulele, cymbals, piano, cowbells, dunun, krin, sangban and much more. Add the great rousing voice of Karel Heřman to this all and you know you again
have a wonderfully and unique recipe at your disposal. The music ranges from funk-rock, post-punk and altrock to brass, ethnic music and avant-garde. Because of the instruments especially the African elements pop up in their rocksound. Strenuously, they
are a cross between Už Jsme Doma, Besh O Drom, Ser Un Peyjalero, System Of A Down and Cannibales & Vahinés. With this they delivered another masterpiece in a row.