Carnal Diafragma - Galerie "Latino America tour 2024" |

Carnal Diafragma grind-grind / Ostrava

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • My Wife Doesn´t Understand Me
    The Garden of Earthly Delights-2024
  • News - Women in Red
    The Garden of Earthly Delights-2024
  • Human Doormat - 7ep split with Oxidized Razor
    Carnal Diafragma / Oxidised Razor 7ep
  • S červy nejsou žerty - single 2019
    Purulent Spermcanal / Carnal Diafragma
  • Slimáčí pamlsek v hlemýždí hýždi 2017
    Grind Restaurant pana Septika
  • Muří cukrlátko v kuřím marcipánu 2017
    Grind Restaurant pana Septika
  • Vykloktaná klokaní kloaka - single 2016
    Grind Restaurant pana Septika
  • Satanova marmeláda 2011
    Planet of children´s heads
  • Teletrambus 2006
    Space symphony around us
  • Human monster 2006
    Space symphony around us
  • Životní příběhy 2011
    Planet of children´s heads
  • Planeta dětských hlav 2011
    Planet of children´s heads
  • Power of fire 2011
    Planet of children´s heads
  • TBC 2006
    Space symphony around us
  • Cadmia fosilis 2006
    Space symphony around us
  • Space Symphony around us 2006
    Space symphony around us
  • Sex appeal of female pheromones 2006
    Space symphony around us
  • Přepadení ve skříni 2006
    Space symphony around us
  • Last days of our lives 2006
    Space symphony around us
  • Kentus v blekotovém mozku 2004
    Daddy´s steak
  • Daddy's steak 2004
    Daddy´s steak
  • Dokonale oplodněná jabloň 2004
    Daddy´s steak
  • Scabies 2001
    Preparation of the patients for examination
  • Stench vaginalis 2001
    Preparation of the patients for examination
  • Esmeralda 2001
    Preparation of the patients for examination