Ak sa vám nový singel zapáči, ktokoľvek si ho môže stiahnuť v plnej kvalite zdarma!Youtube Video 0I4PDl4jdnM
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Pripojiť sa k nášmu zoznamu adries je možné na našej oficiálnej webovej stránke https://www.stevemisikco.com
Alebo si jednoducho môžu stiahnuť skladbu zdarma na: https://stevemisikco.bandcamp.com
A tí, ktorí majú radi našu hudbu a naše oficiálne videá, nás môžu sledovať na Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, etc. a neujde im žiadna nová skladba alebo na našom oficiálnom kanáli youtube a nepremeškajú žiadne nové video. https://www.youtube.com/stevemisikco
AVAILABLE ONLINE DOWNLOADS & physical CD Schizoemphatic album 2016.
itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/es/artist/st...
CD Baby: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/stevemisikco3
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M4MO5BJ/....
eMusic, Google Music Store, Rhapsody, YouTube Music, and many more..
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2XUcr...
Tidal: https://listen.tidal.com/artist/7931179
Bandcamp: https://stevemisikco.bandcamp.com/alb...
Shazam, Deezer, Apple iTunes, etc...
Here: https://stevemisikco.bandcamp.com/
or here: http://www.stevemisikco.com
If you like our world you can support the band : http://www.stevemisikco.com/
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If you like progressive rock or metal, funky grooves, with ethno or folklore elements, little blues feeling, post rock, modern rock, art rock, with a pinch of alternative rock, listen our songs from the new album where you can find a crossover of
all the above mentioned styles.
All the various styles which influenced the Steve Misik & Co. during the decade-long creating period form a rounded whole in the band's debut album which despite its diversity didn't loose its original rocker feeling. Several musicians and
friends from all over Europe collaborating on the "Schizoemphatic" making the album even more special. We would like to dedicate it to the memory of Stefan Toth.
The band doesn't like to label its genre. We grew up listening hard rock, metal bands but we've been influenced by funk, soul, blues, progressive rock & metal, art rock, alternative, classic rock, modern rock, nu metal, classical music or jazz,
not to mention the latin rhythms and flamenco music. Our music is based on the concept of trying different genres, different imaginary worlds, different fantasies in every song but keeping our own face. In the lyrics we point out the civilization problems
of the society and mental world of the human being.