Companion - O kapele |

Companion hardcore / Vídeň

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Unbroken
  • Euer Hass
  • Slaves To The System
  • Anthem
  • Strength Of A Lion
  • Face Your Enemy
  • Surrender

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Dodatečné info

Companion is a five-piece Hardcore/Metal-Band based out of Vienna, Austria. Since the establishment in the summer of 2012, the band has always improved and made it their task to bring in their influences of Metal and Punkrock in their songs. Companion uses its groovy and powerful guitar riffs to transfer their energy to the audience at live shows. Since April 2014 the band is part of the V.S.H.C. Family.

Bio a historie

The idea for Companion was originated by Daniel and Hansl in Summer 2011. When Markus heard of the project he was instantly enthusiastic and interested in taking over the drums. In the spring of 2012, they were finally able to rehearse as a group in which the instrumental interplay fit immediately and the first two songs were written. In Domi the band has found the missing piece of the puzzle, as he convinced from the beginning. Their first self produced song was released with a couple of pictures in August 2012. During the fall of 2012, they played their first show with friends in their hometown. A couple weeks later their first demo “What Keeps Us Alive” was released. Since then, Companion has played several shows in Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In May 2013, Companion created and posted their first music video online for their song “Surrender” with the help of Noble Arts Media. That fall, they spent the majority of their time in the studios of Origin Audio (Marco Cudan) recording the new tracks. In March 2014, they released their second EP “ You Are Not On Your Own” with the help of Burnside Records. Since April 2014, Companion is also member of the Vienna Style Hardcore Family. In the folowing months the band and Noble Arts Media created two more music videos to “Strength Of A Lion” and “Face Your Enemy”. In Summer 2014 the band decided to search for an additional member on the guitars to have a more powerful sound on stage. The right man was found in Daniel's longtime friend Marco who has already recorded Companion's songs in the past.