Darkfall - Album: At the End of Times | Bandzone.cz

Darkfall death-thrash / Graz

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Ride Through the Sky
    At the End of Times
  • The Way of Victory
    At the End of Times
  • Ashes of Dead Gods
    At the End of Times
  • Fading Away
    Road to Redemption
  • The Gods Await
    Road to Redemption
  • Rise to Dominate
    Road to Redemption
  • PeaceMaker
    Road to Redemption
  • Stilling My Rage (Vertigo II)

Vydavatelství: Black Sunset
Producent: DarkFall
Mix: Andy Classen
Mastering: Andy Classen
Album art: Michael Freitag


At the End of Times

8. 9. 2017

Recorded at HellTheater and TonStudio 55 by Peter Fritz.
Mixed and mastered at Stage One Studio by Andy Classen.

Sixth studio album by Austrian death-thrash monsters DarkFall! Started out in 1995 Darkfall took consequent steps on their road to a unique and specific sound. With "At the End of Times" they present their finest output so far, containing all the ingredients to make you headbang and mosh! Buy or die!