Defecated Dog – Antisocial Treatment
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 11.11.2019
Officiální videoklip ke skladbě Antisocial Treatment.Nahráno, mixováno a masterováno v Golden HIVE Studios Prague Amakem Goldenem a Ondřejem Lukšem v roce 2019.
Video z nahrávání EP a koncertů pořídil Maroš Zembjak.
Hudba: Defecated Dog (Lubomír Odráška, Jura Žák, Petr Ptáček)
Text: Petr Ptáček
Zvukový mistr: Amak Golden
Bad mood in angel dream, seems to be a right,
delusions in emotions to stay alive.
Always searching for something inside, but the train is running out.
Damned sheeps will not be shaved and this is in my head.
The voice in my head!
…(it) cannot speak.
…in my head!
…it cannot sleep.
Fake skin, hilarious paint laying on your nails,
bad breath and bleeding coils on your sails.
Always shooting for something in you, but the vein is bleeding out.
Black sheeps will not be shaved and this is in my head.
The voice in my head!
…(it) cannot speak.
…in my head!
…it cannot sleep.