Doomed - O kapele |

Doomed progressive-death / Žilina

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Suffer In Desire-New Single 2009
  • The Battle-New Album:Downfall
  • Take To Flight-New Album:Downfall
  • Cruel Fun-New Album:Downfall
  • Agains All Enemies-Album:Fate Of Suffering
  • Dark Dawn-Album:Fate Of Suffering
  • The Impaler
  • You Will Be Dead

Členové skupiny

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Last update: May 6th,  2010

Kapela funguje od 5.2. 1996, R.I.P. 2010


Paul King - Lead Guitars, Vocals
Brian Wonder - Rhythm Guitars
Brian "Darco" Dobish - Bass Guitars
Michael Watchmaker - Drums

Bio a historie


The band was founded in 1996 by guitarist and singer Paul together with an second guitarist Dan Jr.After a long searching the band was formed finally:
Paul-guitasrs, vocals, Dan Jr.-guitars, Alex-bass, Angie-female vocals, Marek-drums and Kubo-keyboards. This lineup recorded a demo in 1998, "Black Masses The Unholy Altars", which includes 5 songs of an experimental death/doom metal.
Gigs were played across the whole Slovakia and later in Czech Repulic, too.
Breaking the years 1999-2000 a major changes happened in the band. As a cause of very bad attitude, Marek was fired out, next Alex left because of the band stagnation and finally Dan Jr. left due to a music style the band played (he founded his HC/Trash band). However the frontman and band leader Paul didn´t give up. He searched for new band members, which finally became: keyboard player Edith and drum player Mellow.
In this format a new songs were created for an upcoming CD called "Fate Of Suffering". 20.9.2001 the band went into the studio. During this time Marty comes in band , first as a guitarist, then as a bass player. Recordings ends on 12.october. The sending of this CD began to all across the world, in order to advertise the band. Many gigs followed through the Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. In a half of 2002, the band distributed the record Fate Of Suffering by its own and prepared new songs for next record. In the beginning of the year 2003 next lineup changes are done. Next guitarist became Damian and to the bass player post returned old band member Alex. The band plays in this format till the next studio record Downfall, which began to be recorded in March 2004 with this band members: Paul-lead guitars, vocals, Damian-rhythm guitars, Edith-keyboards, vocals, Alex-bass guitars and Mellow-drums. The recording draged out up to a half of year and till the recording is done, the whole lineup is changed. Alex and Edith went for their work and school to Bratislava and drummer Mellow was fired because of his attitude.
14.11.2004 the record was finished and mastered. New members entered the band. Paul's brother Michael behimd the drums and Mike on bass guitar.
18.12.2004 the band performed the new lineup at the concert. Soon after this performance, Damian was fired 'cause of total slacker standpoint and Brian substituted him, and he helped the band playing the gigs. So after the half of the new year gigs can be played again. So the music style that the band wanted to play was formed and it can be marked as a Technical black/death metal with an influence of the progressive style. Till the end of the year the lineup is still of 3 members: Paul-all guitars, vocals, Mike-bass, Michael-drums.
Year 2006 means a lot of plans for the band and already from March the band begins playing the concerts again and plans the re-make of the record Downfall through the year.The day february 4th, 2007 band finishing new album and make your videoclip.... We are looking for new label....


Kapelu v roku 1996 založil gitarista a spevák Paul spolu s druhým gitaristom Dan Jr. Po dlhom hľadaní sa kapela konečne sformovala do tejto podoby: Paul - guitars, vocals, Dan Jr.- guitars, Alex - bass, Angie - female vocals, a Marek - drums + Kubo - keyboard. V tejto zostave nahráva skupina v roku 1998 demo"Black Masses The Unholy Altars", ktoré obsahuje päť songov experimentálneho death/doom metalu.
Začali sa hrať koncerty po celom Slovensku, neskôr aj v Čechách.
Na prelome rokov 1999-2000 sa udiali v zostave veľké personálne zmeny. Pre zlý prístup bol vyhodený Marek, potom odišiel Alex pre stagnáciu kapely a napokon odišiel aj Dan Jr. kvôli štýlu, ktorý skupina hrá. (založil si svoju Thrash-HC skupinu) Frontman a hlavný líder kapely Paul, sa však nevzdáva. Začal zháňať nových členov, ktorými sa nakoniec stávajú: klavesáčka Edith a bubeník Mellow.
V tejto zostave sa začína tvoriť nový materiál na pripravované CD pod názvom "Fate Of Suffering" Dňa 20.9.2001 sa skupina zatvára do štúdia. Medzičasom prišiel do kapely Marty najprv ako gitarista, potom ako basák .12.októbra je dokončené nahrávanie. Začína sa rozposielať CD po celom svete aby skupina týmto upozornila na seba. Nasleduje množstvo koncertov po Slovensku, Čechách, Maďarsku a Poľsku.
V polovici roka 2002 si kapela vydáva sama album Fate Of Suffering a pripravuje nové songy na ďalší album. Na začiatku roka 2003 sú v zostave ďalšie personálne zmeny. Druhým gitaristom sa stal Damian a na post basáka sa vrátil starý člen kapely Alex. Takto kapela funguje až do ďalšieho štúdiového albumu Downfall, ktorý sa začal nahrávať v marci 2004 v zostave: Paul - lead guitars, vocals, Danian - rhythm guitars, Edith - keyboards, vocals, Alex - bass guitars, a Mellow - drums. Nahrávanie albumu sa predlžuje až na neuveriteľného pol roka a prakticky kým je celý album hotový je takmer celá zostava vymenená. Alex a Edith odišli za prácou a školou do Bratislavy a bubeník Mellow bol s kapely vyhodený pre zlý prístup. 14.11. 04 bol album dokončený aj zmastrovaný. Do kapely prichádzajú noví členovia. Za bicie si sadol Paulov brat Michael a na basu začal hrať Mike.
18.12 04 sa kapela predstavila na koncerte v novej zostave. Hneď po tejto akcii je zo skupiny vyhodený Danian kvôli absolútnemu flákačskemu prístupu a nahrádza ho Brian, ktorý kapele vypomáha na koncertoch. Takže od polovice nového roka sa môže znova začať koncertovať. Tiež sa konečne sformoval aj štýl, ktorý chce kapela hrať a označuje sa ako Technical black / death metal s prvkami progresívnej hudby. Ku koncu roka 2005 skupina ostáva iba v trojčlennej zostave: Paul - all guitars, vocals, Mike - bass, Michael - drums.
Rok 2006 znamená pre kapelu veľa plánov, a to už od polovice marca znova koncertovať a v priebehu roka nahrať re-make albumu Downfall.
Dna 4.2. 2007 kapela dokončila nahravanie svojho nového albumu Downfall re-make, celkom nový zvuk,aranžma, plus dva bonusy z prvého albumu. Pripravujeme videclip...