Drunken Bastards - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

Drunken Bastards thrash-rock'n'roll / Budapešť

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Drink With Satan
  • Hit in The Pit
    Motherfucker in the Sky
  • Heaviest Bomber
    Motherfucker in the Sky
  • Baptized in Speed and Blood
    Horns of the Wasted
  • Posercrusher

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info


Hoggish Greedly - spits
Pete Fire - guitars
Streetwise Professor - guitars
Gin Tonic Kid - bass
Beetle Juice – drums


Band manager for the Czech Republic, the publisher's latest album and longtime supporter LORD SET





Manager, distributor for Europe



Bio a historie

Drünken Bastards


Baptized in speed and blood, the toxic oil of the 1980's is pumping in the veins of Drünken Bastards! With their second album Horns of the Wasted, these hungover Hungarian's blitz the senses with galloping hardcore punk and evil blackthrashing metal, taking all the vilest aspects of the '80s underground and warping 'em into diabolical anthems. Too metal for punk and too punk for metal, Drünken Bastards are posercrushing road warriors existing in a no-man's land... and they don't give a fuck as long as they're on the Horns of the Wasted! Expect NO sweetie melodies and NO gushy lyrics, just pure metal exekution straight from fuckin' hell.


2007 – Posercrusher (Full-Length)

2008 – Barbatos Hungarian Legion (Split)

2009 – Fantomania II (Split)

2009 - Global Nuclearism (Split)

2010 – Horns of The Wasted (Full-Length)

2011 - The Boys Are Back in Town (Split)

2014 – Motherfucker In The Sky (Full-Length)