Drywine - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

Drywine progressive-rock / Vranov n/T

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • DryWine-Odchodzisz
  • DryWine-Dry Wine
  • DryWine-Strach
  • Paranoia mix2

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Dodatečné info

Kde bolo, tam bolo:

"prvá etapa - akusticky DW"

Všetko sa to začalo počas letných prázdnin v Londyne, vznikli prve piesne v zlozeni: spev (Marika) a akusticka gitara (Igor). Po nahrati troch pesniciek (ktore su v prehravaci) prisla chut tieto veci posunut do inej roviny a dvojclenna kapela sa rozrastla o super ludi a este viac super muzikantov.

"druha etapa - kapela DW"

Na basu prisiel Martin, za bicie sadol Maros a s gitarami vynikajuco pomahal Paly. Po istom case s kapely odisla Marika a na miesto spevaka nastupil Tomas. Tvorivé obdobie trvalo ani neviem ako dlho, ale stihli sme zopár koncertov, na ktoré boli super reakcie. Urobil sa playlist na ktorom boli skladby DW aj cover od kapely Anathema. Z tohto obdobia kapely, sú nejaké videa z koncertu v Sacurove. (odporucam popocuvat/popozerat ). 

"tretia etapa - co bude s DW"

(V skratenej forme). Nedostatok casu a nove pracovne prilezitosti sposobili to, ze sme museli spekulovat co bdue s buducnostou DW. Po dlhych debatach, vypravdovackach, nepochopenych vyrokoch a roznych inych zalezitostiach sme sa bohuzial rozpadli...

"stvrta etapa - ta sak to znelo paradne!"

Cca rok sa po DW zlahla zem. Az neviem ktory "nestastnik" uploadol na FCBK  video z hudobnych talentov. Bol to rocnik na ktorom hrala aj kapela DW. Nostalgia pri pozerani videa chytila za srdce (a usi) mna a Marosa a tak sme sa rozhodli ze to skusime rozbehnut na novo. Problem je jedine v tom ze osobne nezhody nam (teda hlavne mne) brania ozivit DW v starom zlozeni. Takze sucastnost je taka ze hladame gitaristu a najlepsie by bolo najst aj klavesaka. Nebranime sa ani obsadeniu tychto postov nejakou schopne hrajucou dievcinou...

 V zaklade sa DryWine snazi hrat hudbu bez ohladu na nejaku vopred dohodnutu skatulku ako napr. fatal fekal funky death... Skusali sme a budeme skusat v Centre volneho casu vo vranove, kde nas najde kazdy potencionalny zaujemca o volne miesto v nasej kapele. Uz len najst dalsich clenov a mozme kolotoc DryWine zase roztocit.

Drzte palce!


Maros, Igor, Martin?


Ex clenovia:

Palo, Tomas, Mari.

Bio a historie


My friend

I’m amazed, I was blind so long,
In that time you became so strong,
How could I be, so foolishly with you, my friend,
I opened my eyes, I realized that’s the end…

You were so close to me,
You were a foe, but I couldn’t see..
You will be the same, won’t change your temper,
You caused me so much pain but never again, never again, never again

It’s sad to see you’re egocentric post,
Must be first no matter what it costs
You are the one, nobody’s good as you my friend,
I opened my eyes, I realized that’s the end
You were so close to me,
You were a foe, but I couldn’t see..
You will be the same, won’t change your temper,
You caused me so much pain but never again, never again, never again
I removed my blindness…


I am laying on my knees,
With the blood on my hands, someone please
Tell me what happened right now,
Body’s laying cold, no voice, no sound
(HA! That guy pissed me off so I killed that motherfucker…I stabbed his fucking chest four times…so what??...he deserved to die! He was on the bad place in the bad time… )
Tell me please, what is all this , right in my head,
Why is it always like this ,I will be blamed for his deeds,
Tell me please, what is all this , right in my head,
Why is it always like this ,I will be blamed for his deeds,
Enough of this…

(HA!! He’s weak like a pussy again…he can’t understand me, my motives, that I like doing this… it’s in me somewhere…a lust for taking lives is stronger than me… )
My rope hangs above the chair,
I will leave this world, but I don’t care
He will die with me as well,
Better to go away than live in this hell
There’s no choice,
Don’t wanna hear his voice again,
I wanna leave this pain right inside me,
Wanna be free…
There’s no choice,
Don’t wanna hear his voice again,
I wanna leave this pain right inside me,
Wanna be free
Finally free, free, free… (I want to feel release)
My chair falls down, darkness around,
But I still feel him,
He is surprised that he won’t rise from me out again
My chair falls down, darkness around,
But I still feel him,
He is surprised that he won’t rise from me out again
Good by my friend 
(what??...I can’t breath… what have I done to me??...SHIT!!)