Dying Passion - What Do You Want? - official lyric video
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 28.1.2021
Official lyric video for What Do You Want? from album Black Threads (2016)Video: Stanislav Jelínek
Music and Lyrics: Stanislav Jelínek
Recorded at Spacosh Studios www.spacosh.cz
Sound Engineer and Mixed by Martin Spacosh Peřina
Mastered by Matouš Godík
Buy album:
Physical: http://www.dyingpassion.com/shop
Digital: https://dyingpassion.bandcamp.com/album…
© 2020 Dying Passion
:::::::::: LYRICS ::::::::::
You said to me once
you gonna take me to the end of the world
all our life, all the way
And I believed.
It's not me what you hold in your hands
It's only your ideal
It's not me who decided to live in fear
Just start up a car and get me in
I perhaps won’t convince you
with your narrow mind to try a new things
You’ve got black threads inside
continually attracting you to meanness.
And when you lose the control,
What are you supposed to do?
To be honest, what’s your life all about?
To have most powerful engines
Always pretending
Dou you think it’s astounding?
It's not me what you hold in your hands
It's only your ideal
It's not me who decided to live in fear
Start up your fucking car and get out of here!