Euphorica - Totus floreo
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 22.6.2017
Totus Floreo by band Euphorica from Prague. This video is from our concert with the German band Faun in the music club MeetFactory. Buy our CDs!Website: http://euphorica.cz/ - booking and buying CD's
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user… - watch our videos there!
Website: http://euphorica.cz/
contact: info(at)euphorica.cz - booking and buying CD's
#paganfolk #worldmusic #Totusfloreo #euphorica #euphoricamusic #totus #floreo #archa #paganfolk #worldmusic #gotic #medieval #MeetFactory
Video made by Vega Production
copyright ©2017 Euphorica (CZ)