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Agia Žena, 36 let / Praha

Playlist je prázdný :(

Fanoušek Agia si do osobního playlistu zatím nepřidal žádné skladby.

Oblíbené kapely: 5

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Byla jsem upozorněna, že mám nějaký gramatický chybky v textíkách, takže za to se chci omluvit. Až budu mít víc času a chuti, tak se pokusim je opravit. Do tý doby si vy zdatnější budete holt muset rvát vlasy nad převrácenym záporem a podobně. ;o)))


 Říjen 2007

Úplně poslední věc, co jsem zatim ochotná uveřejnit. Nic moc, dokážu lepší, ale proč to sem nedat.:)

Shh, don't tell anyone
Let's keep it between us two
But I've already told few people
Cause I didn't know what to do

You keep me waiting
You play with me all the time
I have no chance of saving
Or to finish clearly this rhyme

It's just confusing,
Confusing and hard
I'm in need of training
How not to give you my heart


I was drowning in your eyes
I was melting because of your smile
Today I’m just wasted
Because it was for the last time

For the first time I had you near
For the first time you held me in your arms
For the last time I touched you
It was just for goodbye

For the first time we kissed
I loved the second it came
But it was goodbye again
I didn’t want that night to end

The feeling of holding you
I just can’t describe
I’m scared to admit it
But it almost made me cry

I was all yours yesterday
As we danced and we laughed
I felt so free with you
I felt so in love

I wanted to never let go
I wanted the others to vanish
I was so happy to have you
It’s the memory I know I will polish

It’s so hard letting you go
The way it felt the other night
It’s tearing up my heart
And I’m ashamed I couldn’t fight