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DALISHER / Grinderman Muž / Frýdek-Místek

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Death Metal ze Švédska kde řve Legendární Kam Lee z MASSACRE

Bone Gnawer - Feast of Flesh (2009) /Download/

Full-length, Pulverized Records
June 2009

1. Feast of Flesh
2. Sliced and Diced
3. Cannibal Cookout
4. Make You Die Slowly
5. Hammer to the Skull
6. The Saw is Family
7. Hatchet Face
8. Defleshed and Skinned
9. Anthropophagus Beast
10. The Lucky Ones Die First

Sweden (Florida)
Death Metal

Kam Lee - Vocals (Mantas (US)/Death, Massacre (US), Cadaverizer, Abhorred Existence, Denial Fiend, HatePlow, Skincrawler, Broken Gravestones)
Rogga Johansson - Bass & Backing Vocals (Terminal Grip, Paganizer, Carve, Demiurg (Swe), Banished From Inferno, Edge Of Sanity, Deranged (Swe), Foreboding, Ribspreader, Eaten, Those Who Bring The Torture, Putrevore, Revolting, Sinners Burn)
Morgan Lie - Drums (Oberon (Swe)/Auberon, Bleeding Art, Naglfar (Swe))
Ronnie Bjornstrom - Guitars & Backing Vocals (Embracing, Knife In Christ, Taedeat, RibSpreader)


Download: Rapidshare link