Drawen - Úvod | Bandzone.cz

Drawen Muž, 33 let / DC

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    Sense Field- Fun Never Ends "Tonight And Forever"

    back then
    we wished that we were older
    waiting for the summer
    everything was new, when everything was fun
    she would come over and slip into the water
    i wonder if she knew that she was the one, everybody wanted,
    every night she haunted us in our dreams then you wake up all alone

    all's fair in love and war, til it feels like you're dying alone
    Tears turn to waterfalls but I I'd taste tears over nothing at all

    now, we wish that we were younger
    that feeling of the hunger, to want to try everything and anything we want
    frustration and the anger, never thinking of the danger or how we'd make it through
    never thinking someone won't

    all's fair in love and war, til it feels like you're dying alone
    tears turn to waterfalls but I'd taste tears over nothing at all

    the fun never ends
    fun never ends,
    the fun never ends
    til you bury a friend, til you bury a friend, til you bury a friend

    now, we wish that we were younger
    that feeling of the hunger, to want to try everything and anything we want
    frustration and the anger, never thinking of the danger,
    or how we'd make it through
    never thinking someone won't

    all's fair in love and war, til it feels like you're dying alone
    tears turn to waterfalls but I'd taste tears over nothing at all

    fun never ends ... fun never ends ... fun never ends
    til you bury a friend, bury a friend, bury a friend

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    Ahoj, jsme nová ústecká kapela Wertex. Chtěli bychom Tě pozvat na náš profil, kde si můžeš poslechnout nově nahrané songy. Budeme moc rádi za tvůj případný názor a když se staneš fanouškem. Mockrát děkujeme. Měj se pěkně! :-) www.bandzone.cz/wertex

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