feRo81 - Úvod | Bandzone.cz

feRo81 Muž, 36 let / Prešov

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    April Bias texty piesni

    April Bias LYRICS


    Beauty of our stories are ending
    and I cry out loud my memories
    Left has only the smile
    when I remember on this while

    I just stand there and scream
    that this day was not a dream
    when i walked the long way to you
    to hear the already known truth


    Never More                                                                                             pozri na YouTube 

    I saw you lying on the floor
    Never wanted to come home
    So you ask for something more
    I just said no more

    Never wanted to come home
    Never wanted to come home
    Never more on the floor


    Fuck Da Police

    Two black dressed man
    walkin down the street.
    Nothing in their heads
    they can´t let me be.
    Thinking about their things
    walking down like kings.
    Lookin for some normal people
    Keep da street safe, Ha?

    I only say one thing.
    And i say it loud
    its not ´bout me
    U know whats about!!


    Interlude                                                                                              pozri na YouTube

    Is that u standing there
    promise for reflection
    pleasing for folow up
    because of that feel

    Your eyes are looking down to me
    the truth is rising from unknown
    u are looking like sleepwalk

    the interlude is here
    the interlude is coming
    the interlude is between
    the interlude is Now!

    Wake up Comon
    Wake up Comon
    Wake up Wake up
    Wake up Wake up


    Eyes never Lies

    Just close your eyes and see it from mine
    Now, can you understand it like I
    Look closely inside of you
    now can you understand whats true

    What means a true Lie?
    Never wanted to cry
    How long want you deny
    that you never said a lie.

    We live in a world made of lies
    With every word my emotions are dying
    Try to make your life without any false eyes
    Why is everyone to anyone deceiving?


    Our eyes can not say lies
    Our minds are blind
    Why we are lying WHY?


    (ak Mates pošle viac - bude viac.)

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    Ahoj, zvu tě na profil mojí bandy www.bandzone.cz/bonebroke, kde je pár songů k poslechnutí. Konečně tam přibyla i první ze série písniček taky českých. Když se budem líbit, tak moc oceníme, když si nás hodíš do tvých oblíbených kapel. Kdyby byl zájem, tak tu je FB - www.facebook.com/bonebroke . Díky a měj se hezky. Tomáš

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