Dead Space
Hell'o now you can download our music for free via
Soon you will find there new album.
Greet's from Poland and see ya on gigs!
Koto & DS
Fanoušek Ganaj si do osobního playlistu zatím nepřidal žádné skladby.
Hell'o now you can download our music for free via
Soon you will find there new album.
Greet's from Poland and see ya on gigs!
Koto & DS
Ak mas rad/a dobru metalcorovu muziku,
urcite si musis ceknut mladu sympaticku kapelku z kosic,
ktorej prave vychadza nove kvalitne demo.
Nevahaj , vypocuj, popripade nejaky ten lajcik na knihe ksichtov tiez nezamrzi ;).
Must hear!!!~~~~>>>>> <<<<<~~~~~
Zdravime ta, sme black metalova kapela nas novy album Labyrinthum Nebulae je hotovy, ked si najdes cas, mozes navstivit nas profil. Diky
s pozdravom DCH