Jimmy182 - Info | Bandzone.cz

Jimmy182 Muž, 37 let / Bratislava

Playlist je prázdný :(

Fanoušek Jimmy182 si do osobního playlistu zatím nepřidal žádné skladby.

Info o fanouškovi

...come here, please hold my hand for now, help me, I'm scared please show me how to fight this, God has a master plan and I guess, I am in his demand...please save me, this time I cannot run and I'll see, you when this is done and now I have come to realize, that you are the one who's left behind... Please stay until I'm gone, I'm here hold on to me I'm right here, waiting... I see, a light it feels good and I'll come back soon just like you would, it's useless, my name has made the list, and I wish, I gave you one last kiss... Please stay until I'm gone, I'm here hold on to me I'm right here, waiting and take my one last breath and don't forget, that I will be right here, waiting...

Kontakty a odkazy

346404529 - Jimmy182

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