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Black Tear

Tak mě zase něco napadlo a rychle jsem to sepsala...

I'm singing,
but you can't listen this words.
You're sleeping,
but you won't get up and go
to kiss me.

Get up, darling!
Get up and say!
"I love you, my sweetheart.
We will have what we want,
together, forever..."
But you must get up, my darling!
Get up and feel!

I'm standing
and look on rose in my hands.
You're lieing,
so kindly, close eyes with black
and cold lips.

Get up, darling!
Get up and say!
"I love you, my sweetheart.
We will have what we want,
together, forever..."
But you must get up, my darling!
Get up and feel!

We're dancing,
you're holding me in your hands.
I'm crying,
bacause now this is only
my notion.

ooou Get up!
Get up!
Wake up your heart!
ooou Get up!
Get up!

Get up, darling!
Get up and say!
"I love you, my sweetheart.
We will have what we want,
together, forever..."
But you must get up, my darling!
Get up and feel!

I believe...

Vždycky věříme na zázraky, i když víme, že to tak prostě být nikdy nemůže. Věřím, že se ke mě možná jednou vrátí.

Last night of my life

Takže sem jako svůj první příspěvek vložím svůj text.Je o mý nešťastný lásce, která mě strašně vyčerpala...Ale snad jsem se té rakoviny už zbavila... 

Showlights and somebody's crossing them
like a ghost looking everywhere.
Shadow whose sacrifice now I am.
Your burning look is anywhere.
I'm dancing...

Chorus 1:
Last night of my life,
I see it in your eyes.
Last night of my life,
in soul I hate you,
in heart I love you.

Longing is growing up at this night.
Everytime I'm scary more.
This obsession is only our fight
and you're someone who I live for.
I'm crying...

Chorus 2:
Last night of my life,
I see in our eyes.
Last night of my life,
what about all lies?
Isn't everything [:how it looks:]

You're keeping my heart in your hands...

Bacha na autorská práva ;-)