EmoGladiakórMirro - Blog | Bandzone.cz
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EmoGladiakórMirro Muž, 36 let / Marjánky/toš i Plzeň

Playlist je prázdný :(

Fanoušek EmoGladiakórMirro si do osobního playlistu zatím nepřidal žádné skladby.

prostě nádhera!!!!!!!!!!!!!

opět starší skvost od Deadlock-nemá chybu!!!!


Youtube Video ooL9qGOXwb4Youtube Video ooL9qGOXwb4

these were his last words to a cursed world:
...now let that red sword of virtue stich right
through my heart...my blood shall flow to the
sinful grounds and may my wounds never bleed
dry... cause this is the blood sent from the
heavens and it shall pave the way to solution...
blood drips from your hands and you will never
wash them clean... blood always cries for
blood...the blood of the innocent screams for
yours... heaven now cries with tears that are
flowing forth like a stream and the blood of your
victims shall drip from the skies like rain and
may the sun fall into oceans of blood... death and
darkness shall reign for ten thousands of
generations...your children will be drenched in
blood... Because he who kills cannot love and he
who loves would never kill.... there is no
forgiveness and no mercy when mankind forgets its
duties to creation and when my last words are
spoken your families shall be cursed.... now take
my life, take my blood...to fulfil your hearts of
hatred... you wanted the blood from the innocent
and soon the innocent will splatter the ground
with yours... and your children shall pay for the
sins of their fathers...ten thousand generations
in blood.... ... ... he died and his words like
thounderous blows rang and rolled over the
earth... like a breath, like a wind, like a
shadow, a phantom... and on the darkened sky crows
will appear to bring back the light to the
believers.... this was the day the earth stood
still, he left their rotten world behind, murky
storm clouds began to darken the sky and in that
darkness justice should rise again ...