petrusssa - Úvod |
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petrusssa Žena, 32 let / Žiar nad Hronom

Playlist je prázdný :(

Fanoušek petrusssa si do osobního playlistu zatím nepřidal žádné skladby.

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Using an online course taking platform from for international students is also very straightforward. International students only need to register an account, provide relevant information, select the courses or tasks they need assistance with, and pay the corresponding fees. The platform also offers multiple payment methods, making it convenient for international students to choose flexibly. Once tasks are delegated to the platform, international students can confidently focus on other important matters without worrying about their academic workload, thus enhancing their study efficiency and time utilization.


Ahoj, po dlhej dobe sme dali nové songy do playlistu, keďže sme dokončili nový album. Budeme radi, keď si nájdeš čas na vypočutie našich punkových vypalovačiek. Berieme si na paškál napríklad voličov Kotlebu (Rodáci) či ľudí, ktorí nevybočia zo zabehnutých koľají (Zbytoční ľudia). Kotúče DM

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