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SEBastian_Chum Muž, 38 let / PHA

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BN: Fragments (lyrics; work in progress)


Lyrics by SEB;



Fragments of our beings

Caught in the turmoil of feelings

Torn to pieces, discarded husks

Hush, my fellow human, hush

Try not to disturb your mind

For it could drag you down

And we lock that place away

So our notthereness can stay


What if... God     is     Fake

What if... Faith    is    Real

What if... Luck     is     Fate

What if... Life    is    Death

What if... Dreams    are    Lies

What if... I    am    Right


Surrounded    ... by false mirrors
Haunted    ... by false errors

If we want to live our dreams
We need to face our fears

Allow us to express our anger...
And feel free to join!


The search for answers
...Breaks nails
The search for answers
...Bruises flesh

The search for answers
...Shatters bones
The search for answers
...Rends souls

BN: Listen to your beast (lyrics)

BITING NOISE: Listen to your beast

Lyrics by SEB,


We seem to ignore that there was instinct before there was intelligence

And it still somehow forms the backbone of our cherished sentience

It keeps on tempting us, saying our lives could be a feast

To be complete is to understand it´s voice, and learn how to



Listen to your beast

Listen to your beast

Listen to your beast



We all keep a beast inside

Coiled around our intestines

Screaming wild in our minds

Craving sin of all kinds


Harness your beast

Unleash your beast

Not tamed yet

You´re not tamed yet


No hesitation, no contemplation

Fight or Flight


Learn from the emotions it stirs

Use the confidence it brings

It knows when to play rough

And when enough is enough

BN: M.O.L.A.D (lyrics; work in progress)


(aka Miracles of Life and Death)

Lyrics by SEB,

What do you mean
That it´s not real
What we feel
It has to be real

You think you know misery
You think you know pain
But you know nothing
If you´re still sane


We deal with them every day
We share them in every cell
We embrace them with every breath
The miracles of life and death


Why is it so hard
To feel alive

What´s the source of this misery
Is it you, or is it me