I try to forget you with whisky blackouts, I just forget my name and my age..
.............cant remember my first love, cant remember my hometown and the good old days
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.............cant remember my first love, cant remember my hometown and the good old days
a nakonec spíš asi
"I’ll feel nothing at all, and I buried, and I buried my heart"
nejsou každej den řízky
15.9. 2011 Plzeň, klub Pod Lampou + Sour Bitch
16.9. 2011 České Budějovice, Mighty Bar Velbloud + Nežfaleš, Let's go
17.9. 2011 Teplice, klub Božák + Sour Bitch
22.9. 2011 Praha, Cross + Sour Bitch, dj Tchichiman
sorry sweetheart, I can't love you and I just won't try to, I can't give you no emotions - just my ignorance you bitch.. it's not here!!
marry me or bury me, tady neni žádná jiná cesta...
16.10. Praha, klub 007 + The Unholy Preachers
17.10. Ústí nad Labem, klub Circus + Thunderbirds, Remember the Heroes
18.10. Ostrava, klub Marley + The Unholy Preachers, Degradace
19.10. Bratislava, klub Integralaktická Obluda + The Unholy Preachers, Kaktus /SK/
zde můžete umístit i Vaši reklamu.