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the.nesta Muž, 40 let / Hradec Králové

00:00 / 00:00play

    Playlist je prázdný :(

    Fanoušek the.nesta si do osobního playlistu zatím nepřidal žádné skladby.


    BMTH - Suicide season

    ..ten text me proste dostava..


    We stare at broken clocks, the hands don't turn anymore
    The days turn into nights, empty hearts and empty places
    The day you lost him, I slowly lost you too
    For when he died, he took a part of you

    No time for farewells, no chances for goodbyes
    No explanations, no fucking reasons why
    I watched it eat you up, pieces fallen on the floor
    We stare at broken clocks, the hands don't turn anymore

    If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way
    I would climb my way to Heaven, and bring him back home again
    Don't give up hope my friend, this is not the end

    We stare at broken clocks, the hands don't turn anymore
    The days turn into nights, empty hearts and empty places
    The day you lost him, I slowly lost you too
    For when he died, he took a part of you

    Death is only a chapter
    So let's rip out the pages of yesterday
    Death is only a horizon
    And I'm ready for my sun...
    I'm ready for my sun to...
    I'm ready for my sun...
    I'm ready for my sun to set

    This is suicide season!

    If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way
    We would climb our way to Heaven, and bring him home again
    If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way
    We would climb our way to Heaven, and bring him home again

    If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way
    We would climb our way to Heaven, and bring him home again
    We would do anything to bring him back to you
    We would do anything to end what you're going through

    If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way
    I would climb my way to Heaven, and bring him home again
    I would do anything to bring him back to you
    Because if you got him back, I would get back the friend that I once knew


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