Vahaman - Info |

Vahaman Muž / Michalovce

Playlist je prázdný :(

Fanoušek Vahaman si do osobního playlistu zatím nepřidal žádné skladby.

Info o fanouškovi

Mad Season - River Of Deceit

Youtube Video CBACTCS4SmIYoutube Video CBACTCS4SmI


Waking Vison - We Listen To The Star

Youtube Video wFmVUGYe4fwYoutube Video wFmVUGYe4fw

V  galerii su pridane fotky z koncertu KSS 2.8.2008 u Flinstona v Michalovciach


Videa z Flinstone - Michalovce 2.8.2008


KSS  - (Duro, Sirecz, Norbi, Vacho)

KSS & No Future (NF - prvych dvanast minut, zvysok KSS)


KSS (cast prva) - download

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KSS (cast druha)  - download

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KSS (cast tretia) - download

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The Name Of The Band (Vacho, Duro - KSS, Mino - KSC)


I met my death - download

Youtube Video M_WbnPvBu9sYoutube Video M_WbnPvBu9s


KSS - No a? (UG fest 2009)

Youtube Video p5MmeDkO-XIYoutube Video p5MmeDkO-XI


Name Of The Band - Stolen Of Freedom

Youtube Video dpaq9DHoJoMYoutube Video dpaq9DHoJoM


Bubon: Roland TD3 KW

Hranie & Hosting: KSS, Free Fly, No Future, Peter Gula Band, IRS Band(NR)....+ prilezitostne zoskupenia  a jam-y

Kapely: Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Temple Of The Dog, Stone Temple Pilots, Incubus, Waking Vision Trio, John Shannon, The Shins, Chris Cornell , Smashing Pumpkins, Free Faces, Andrej Seban, Hrana,  HT,  Richard Muller, Zive Kvety,  Hostel, Sunmoon,  etc


Summer nights and long warm days
Are stolen as the old moon falls
My mirror shows another face
Another place to hide it all
Another place to hide it all
And Im lost, behind
The words Ill never find
And Im left behind
As seasons roll on by

Sleeping with a full moon blanket
Sand and feathers for my head
Dreams have never been the answer
And dreams have never made my bed
Dreams have never made my bed

And Im lost, behind
The words Ill never find
And Im left behind
As seasons roll on by

Now I wanna fly above the storm
But you cant grow feathers in the rain
And the naked floor is cold as hell
This naked floor reminds me
Oh the naked floor reminds me

And Im lost, behind
Words Ill never find
And Im left behind
As seasons roll on by

If I should be short on words

And long on things to say
Could you crawl into my world
And take me worlds away
Should I be beside myself
And not even stay

And Im lost, behind
Words Ill never find
And Im left behind
As seasons roll on by




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