Floating In Darkness - Novinky | Bandzone.cz

Floating In Darkness metal-rock / Vrchlabí

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Never Forget
  • Within Eclipse (both guitars, without drums, intro only)
  • Sermoning Pariah(intro only)

text Never Forget

We stand here

Never looking back

We live here

These are words you have to get


And now you know, there is always a hope!!!

You know, right? You never fall from our side!!!


This is live force

For our heads

This is live force



And now you know, there is always a hope!!!

You know, right? You never fall from our side!!!




Tak jsme konečně po dlouhé době nahrály náš první song "never forget"... trvalo to dlouho ale stálo to za to :-D hned jak nahrajem něco nového hned to sem dáme takže se máte na co těšit...zatim zduř buřt