half white half blue - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

half white half blue indie / Bratislava

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Sore
    Love Criminal
  • Ready Or Not
    Love Criminal
  • Love Criminal
    Love Criminal
  • Lightspeed Beaten
    Love Criminal
  • 1989
    Love Criminal
  • Tekao
    Love Criminal
  • Kopernik
    Love Criminal
  • Tannater
    Love Criminal
  • Lightspeed Beaten
    Tannater EP
  • Tannater
    Tannater EP
  • Rebelia
    Tannater EP
  • Fall In When You Are Ready Not Lonely
    Tannater EP

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Bio a historie

Half White Half Blue, young blood born in the electropop scene is defined mostly by strong falsetto vocals combined with synths and colorfull guitars. Although formed only in 2013, the band's live acts in Slovak mid-sized venues along with larger festivals (inc. Grape festival 2014, 2015) have brought them the deserved recognition. As a result, in May 2015 they supported CARL BARAT (member of The Libertines) in Clermont-Ferrand, France. A single from their first release Tannater EP entitled Lightspeed Beaten has topped the CZ/SK chart on Radio_FM (branch of Slovak National Radio) for 13 consecutive weeks. The EP is also to blame for a Best New Band nomination on Radio_Head Awards 2014. Half White Half Blue's debut album Love Criminal has just come out hot of the press and is fresh and crispy, waiting for you to give it an immediate listen!