ing Zajíc - O kapele |

ing Zajíc jazz-experimental / Brno

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Jack
  • There Will Never be
  • Izmir Chios
  • All The Things You Are
  • My Brother With Blue Jacket

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

„Jj Zajac“ is the young solo project where I use loopstation and delay effect by those try to make sounds as many instruments which get together really live band or electronic music sound with jazzy lines. Style of music which I play is wide as lounge, house, rock, funky, jazz and bossanova music. You could also hear some cover songs of american gaints for example by John Scofield, Herbie Hancock, Michael Jackson or Ray Charles. Usually I play alone but sometimes I invite some guests and perform with jazz saxofonists.  

Bio a historie

Tomas Skalsky is musician, composer, performer, mostly jazz guitarist, sometime he plays percussions too. He plays the guitar and interested for compose music since 1999. He has changed many guitar teachers for example A. Julina (the son of famouse jazz guitarist from Gustav Brom's Orchestra), Vilém Splika (director of jazz class on JAMU, graduated Music School in Texas), José María Ortíz (flamenco guitarist from Granada, Spain). He searched new inspirations and ideas for his music in Spain and Brazil especially spanding two months in Rio de Janeiro where met Diana Poppoff Horta (flutest and composer of bossanova music). In his first jazz project called „Zzaj“ passed three singers whose are interesting and inspirate persons. First of them was Alexandra Lasky (Italy), secound Sisa Feherová (Slovakia, Graduate on Jazz Concervatory in Prague) and thirth Hedvika Šolcová (Brno). Also he played and performed with jazz musicians from Brno like Radim Hanousek (sax), Honza Polyak (bass), Petr Smékal (sax), Gabina Kolčavová (voice). Over ten years he performe with joke rock/fusion band called „Funkshmakers“ also with them recorded CD as small album. Now, he is working on solo project called „Jj Zajac“ where use loopstation and delay effect by those try to makes sound as many instruments which get together really live band or electronic music sound with jazzy lines.