John Connor - O kapele |

John Connor thrash-punk / Kladno

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Lost Generation
  • Freedom For Punks
  • Criminal Minds
  • City Is On Fire
  • I'm Scared

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Zpěv
Nástrojové obsazení: Bicí
Nástrojové obsazení: Baskytara, Doprovodný zpěv
Nástrojové obsazení: Kytara, Doprovodný zpěv, Scream

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Dodatečné info

trochu crust, trochu hardcore, trochu metal, trochu víc póza, v srdci punk


Bio a historie

est. 05/2012

FREEDOM FOR PUNKS With new rose to NO FUTURE / hold pink flag of true punks / don't wanna die without pleasure / search and destroy our punk lifes / Freedom for the punks / R: WE WANNA SEE WEIRD CREATURES / WITH CHAOS IN THEIR MINDS / WE WANNA SEE WEIRD CREATURES / CALL THEMSELF FUCKING PUNKS / Rejection drugs, Vicious is god / Is punk dead or not? / Police and thieves in the streets / In anarchy still believe / With their stiff little fingers / they're going to play guitar / call themself Best Punk Band Ever / pure mania will fucking start / Ever fallen in love with punk / Mickey Mouse's dead or too drunk (to fuck) / I want to fix you with pinhead / How much is enough to kill yourself? / Hey punk / Where are you / You 're my everything / I lost control, I'm seeing red / kill hippies and nazi boneheads / in my heart still beats punk / looking through Gary Gilmore's eyes / Dance pogo or everything's wrong

LOST GENERATION I've got a problem / Problem is you / You hate all things / what you can do / Realize everything what you can manage if you want / Your dreams come true with people, with your PC really don't / Go live a real life! / That's fucking real hype / Don't waste your time with mac until your useless virtual death / I've got a problem / We've got a problem with you! / Facebook shit NOT A REAL LIFE / Twitter shit NOT A REAL LIFE / Insta shit NOT A REAL LIFE / Pinterest shit NOT A REAL LIFE / WHAT KIND OF WORLD / based on likes, dislikes / SHARE I'M A JERK / it makes you tought tyke / YOU SHOULD LIVE / life in one-fourty / YOU'RE ACTIVE / only on site, bitch! / Our ignorance made us complete empty and violent / I wanna back / We wanna back / Back to the days I liked girls don't presume that I can met / Now making duckface / Now making duckface / I understand we're not living in the 8th century / We can't stop progress cuz we're integral part of it / Maybe I am... / I am part / (OF) LOST GENERATION

CRIMINAL MINDS Criminal minds belongs to me / such as a lock and rusty key / in prison I've got everything I want / I hope I will remain there long / 'Cuz here I am some kind of star / outside only remorse and bark / is enough to deceive and rob / inside warm meal, outside no job / Everybody here call me champ / 'cuz here I am in leading gang / WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT AMNESTY? / WITH SANTA KLAUS I DISAGREE / Understand / my life and my thinking / UNDERSTAND MY LIFE / UNDERSTAND MY THINKING / Why don't I get out / Criminal fame is also fame

CITY IS ON FIRE Everything burning / changing to ashes / did you learn something / from this cases / you're fascinated / by dead bodies / no matter if friend / or archenemy / YOU'VE GOT PERFECT DAY / Everything burning / changing to ashes / pain's devastating / remaining inches / your burned body / consulved in spasms / you have sinned / so you got a lesson / YOU'VE GOT FUCKING DAY / and where were you / WHEN EVERYTHING BURNED / Everything burning / changing to ashes / while you are drinking / enjoying company / your wife alone / frying in flames / maybe you're thinking / it's fucking game / WHEN CITY'S ON FIRE