John Heaven - Novinky |

John Heaven psychedelic / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Bohnický paka
  • Haloperidol Blues
  • Shoda okolností - báseň
  • Till The Morning
  • Pomatení mysli (instrumental)

Till The Morning (videoklip a text)

Till The Morning (text)

Far darkness told me good bye, I was born I don´t know why

My first song was my birthday cry, I have to try

Time began to run, I started waiting for the sun, I´m getting tired..

Things began to split, I saw too many opposites, Many questions make me so high

I have nearly lost myself, Someone sent me a secretful help, It looks like time, but it´s pure will

Till the morning, Till the morning, Till the morning, Till is done

I can´t always give my best, Can´t fell as a special guest, Seeing world like a millionaire, I´m getting tired..

Running away from empty space, Being afraid of a strange mind and face,

Hope - and beauty will grow and grow

Till the morning, till the morning...

Things began to split...

I have really lost myself, Someone sent me a secretful help, It looks like  tiime, but it´s pure will

Till the morning...

I can´t always give my best...

Life put me in a rush, It should be the stars of my brain, I plays with my heart as a potter with a clay

Oh, at the top something calls me down, your trip is for ever, It will never be done,

It´s a circle of go and go and go

Till he morning...

Till is done...

Youtube Video ziMIqNX1XWYYoutube Video ziMIqNX1XWY

Nové CD "John Heaven & Mimikry band"

A je to tu!!!

Díky hudebně řemeslnému umu Zdeňka Berryho  Berana se konečně Johnyho songy dočkaly kvalitního zpracování!

Nové CD John Heaven a Mimikry Band obsahuje dvě  Johnovy vlastní písničky "Haloperidol blues" a "Till the morning",

Johnovu báseň "Shoda okolností" a jako úvodní píseň bohnický tradicionál "Bohnický Paka"


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