Kant Criticize - Novinky | Bandzone.cz

Kant Criticize hardcore / Kladno

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Rejected
  • Most Beautiful Place (Far Away)


(Upraveno: )

Zadarmo na koncertech + pokec s námi v ceně. To je fér. Tak doraž. Třeba už 15.8. do Řevničova na SPARTAFEST.

Komercionalizace hardcore (a spřízněné) scény

Zajímavý článek, který si zasloužil pozornost publikoval Tomáš z Fluffu. Jestli si něco zaslouží zamyšlení víc než sdílení, je to tohle.

one more rule for this years fluff fest - we dont want any sponsor logos here. we dont mind if you do promotion for your show at fluff fest, but honestly dont bring any posters/flyers with some fucking energy drink or shoe company logos on it. we dont want it here and we will remove it. all diy posters and flyers are still welcome as always.

one thing what makes me feel weird about novadays hardcore/punk scene is the raising level of commercionalism, sponsorships and rushing for profit or fame. its getting more and more radiculous seeing more and more bands trying so hard to get a slot at some rock festival, record a video for some tv show, get an opening slot for a tour with some rock band, seeing promoters pushing their shows through official channels like mainstream magazines, radiostations, tv shows etc...

what i always loved on hardcore/punk scene was its independency. the way people were contributing temselves and running things from basements. by the kids for the kids mentality. keeping it underground and diy. refusing to cooperate with major labels or colaborate with silly television and official mediachannels, creating an alternative world to a mainstream society. those aspects has always been the real magic of hardcore punk to me. COLLABORATING WITH MAINSTREAM IS NOT GOING TO BRING YOUR MESSAGE TO MORE PEOPLE. COLLABORATING WITH MAINSTREAM WILL MAKE THE WHOLE MOVEMENT TOOTHLESS AND WILL TURN THIS SCENE FUELED BY FIRE INTO ANOTHER PLAIN MUSIC GENERE.

do we really want to sell this beautines we have and kill the scene which other kids created for us? promoters, do you really want to make your show looking like a rock opera by putting stupid sponsor logos on your flyers just because they offered you few bucks? bands, do you really prefer enjoying your one minute fame of having your picture in a magazine next to motorhead's one over staying true to community supporting you when nobody cared about you? do we really think hatebreed's grammy nomination was more important to hardcore than downcast's diy ethics ?

commercionalism and sponsorship has no room in hardcore punk scene to me. posters with sponsor logos has no room at a hardcore show. if you see a poster with sponos logos at fluff fest, please help us to trash it.

thank you for reading....