Killed by Summer - O kapele |

Killed by Summer metalcore-progressive / Chomutov

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • new 2
  • new
  • Two sides of our lives
  • Its coming from a place you´ve got

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Dodatečné info

Fotos by Míra Holeček 




Honza Kozel


Jirka Dillinger



Lyrics KBS


Coasts of destiny

The moment is a expression of my freedom

as if time stoped and divided for two parts

between a river of destiny which should put us together

my and your life has no comprehension enymore

I cant let you hurt me so much

REF.days full of suffering.Its going to the end

and a pride becomes a shame in my eyes

your mind is so colder, i cant belive it

where does a badness get a such power

in one person..youre not more nor less

everyone can live in a same way..together.á

one day everyone will be equal

and no matter how your way would look like

but theres no way back.thehers no bridge to the otherside

days of regret you never take back

your sore became reverse side of my fucking life


In a shadow of a gray

Who´s gonna stay when everyone is leaving?

I was asking you about your tears my darling

I know A pain its a key from freedom

and sorrow comes with a brand new day

with every separation

every time when I wake up alone

Its not supposed to be me..Its not supposed to be a rescue

theres no goodbay my darling

there will not be tomorow without us

My heart never forget and never die

your smile is immortal..your love has become my everything



White oleander

Empty places where we used to live..

Forsaken places that we lost god damn fuckin living

When we left

But have someone known..what have we been looking for.??

I´ve got scare in my heart

My memories bleeding into this palce

next aborted story

dreams about a light which stay in darkness

my soul was painted into birds wings

may I fly up my friends

flyaway from this place and bring a time back

whatever (will) happend

I cant leave everything

I cant let down a love every day

I´ve been in the heaven one time!!

I have to find out a will to make this fly

which will never let you die


empty words aren´t forever

I know is not like yesterday

and tomorrow wont be like today

its kinda difficult to look into your memory

the moments which I wanna take with me

those times which I never lived through.never lived throuhg

I just hope

in countless pictures between lines

in thousands words in one sentence

in colours turning into one

there used to..there used to be in my mind

when every day is just like the day before

when my live used to have a reason

for someone..for a while

before than they got old and left behind

that I lived here..



happy though

a treasure hid in your eyes..crocks of miracles

one of my most wonderful stories

i´m cutting into a stone with my own hands day after day

as you painted your heart into the sky..

at one draw..

I saw sun set

destiny is a parting of the ways

a carving is a smell of emptiness

A life is only a short trip

everything what I can lose

fortune hide inside us

im afreid of tomorrow

So I close my eyes

I wanna stop a time (right now)

I closed my eyes for you

for you and for ever

I will never forget your face

I will never forget yourself


Black roses

theres only one way towards closed gates

theres only one idea thousands year old

theres only a dream you stayed in alone

a hope in effectiveness.. 

last overgrown flower full of thorns

day after day getting wors

raped by ruin...our nature mother..

all understanding was forgot

all mercy was withheld in a name of progress

in times of collapse, polluted water..air..clear forests

holes in the earth..unhealable shots..

ecological process is all about

whos got money write a history

no horizon

coloured word runs black

universe´s missions will have a legacy of roses

no dead flowers for next generation


Its coming from a place you´ve got (New)

Too many different faces, just pick the frank one.

Which never let you down for the rest of your life..

.What if you wake up death next in the world

Keep trying means suffer till the end..

Try to find something the whole life with no realize..

Thats been next to you, blindness runs to bright colours

Flow past you..noone cant see this, even you..

Touch the sky and come to it is..

Be free in the infinite with your guys..

Hold your breath..never forget what you are.

Hold girlfriends hand and say love you babe.

You may not wake up the other day


  Two sides of our lifes (New)

Its getting dark outside, shadows dissolved to the endless of  night

a little obscene feeling goes thrugh yourself thats almost ready to take nape.

They say, its like your world, but I´ve never done this before..

Everyone is weard, very unexpected feel, some different way

you are able to see. whats happening now

You can feel anything you want, you can do anything you like

a lot ways and means, even a brain can replay to and

you have no to say

a world so far away but even so close

mystery hiden in yourself, thounds lifes

go by, like a time flying between your own fingers.


Bio a historie

Kapela byla založena v dubnu roku 2009. V Chomutově.








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