Koloss - Videa | Bandzone.cz

Koloss thrash-death / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • The Times Yet To Come
  • Beyond The Dreams
  • Nothing to Lose
  • Awaken To The War
  • Facing the truth
  • altered-lifeline
  • The Point of No Return
  • Sentenced To Death

KOLOSS - The Times Yet To Come

Ostatní Vznik: 21.1.2019
Death/Thrash metal band from Prague, Czech Republic.

První vlaštovka našeho debutového alba REBORN je na světě.
Nese název "The Times yet to Come" a je prvním ze dvou chystaných singlů před vydáním celé desky.

The very first single called "The times yet to come" has been unleashed to the World. Its one of 2 singles which will be released before our debut album.

The Times Yet To Come - text

While the man is talking more and more
My head is close to explode
“If you fail, no one will fix this problem anymore”

“There are the facts
I need to explain them to you fast
Not much time left, but you…
You don’t seem to understand

It’s not the way I deal with things,
but now I’ll prove to you that we are in a dream”

The man is speaking more,
when sudden noise upstairs
interrupts what we’re doing here

The company….
Company is here
The man is running back to fight
He fires his guns
with no mercy

Next seconds are so fast
The shots from dark
I know I have to run
to escape (using) the way
behind the door

…or I´ll die

“The times yet to come
Who takes over, who will die
Wake up! Your last chance is now

No matter the cost you pay,
stay proud and face your fate until it’s done”

“Don’t ask me why
and leave me by this door”

“The times yet to come
Who takes over, who will die
Wake up! Your last chance is now

No matter the cost you pay,
stay proud and face your fate until it’s done”

“Hey, what’s up out there?
Run and fire up the flame!”