AS THEY BURN (FR) + Into Dust, Break The Rules, Forget Your Enemies, Mike On Fashion |
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AS THEY BURN (FR) + Into Dust, Break The Rules, Forget Your Enemies, Mike On Fashion


Chapeau Rouge

Jakubská 647, Praha 1, Praha
Ukázat na mapě
130 Kč
BrainWave Production presents

AS THEY BURN - metal / nu-metal / hardcore band from Paris / VICTORY RECORDS
+ czech support: Into Dust, Break The Rules, Forget Your Enemies, Pray For Forgiveness


18:30 doors open
19:00 - 19:40 Forget Your Enemies
20:00 - 20:40 Mike On Fashion
21:00 - 21:40 Break The Rules
22:10 - 23:00 AS THEY BURN
23:15 - 00:00 Into Dust

(změna harmonogramu vyhrazena / change possible)

Vstupné / entry: 130 czk

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Správci koncertu:
Tashi, ´Chapeau Rouge klub Praha ´, Bonbónek
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