Out of Hell Rock Celebration | Bandzone.cz
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Out of Hell Rock Celebration


Pekelné Doly

Lindava, ČR

Pekelně vystajlovaná oslava života. Rozmanitá rocková smršť, speciální doplňkový program pro oči a atmosféru. Potvrzené kapely: Welicoruss (Ru) Steel Engraved (D), Anthology (SK), Menhir, Blamage, Procrastination, V.A.R., Mean Messiah, Breed, Chaos in Head, Sarkonia, Act of God, Liars a Meresiew. Pekelné doly/ jeskyně jsou jediné v Evropě, podobné prostory nikde nenajdete...to samo je důvod tuhle akci podpořit. Navíc počasí je objednané a chládek v jeskyni uvítáte. Venkovní stage a vnitřní stage, kde můžeme pařit do ranních hodin, tři bary, mnoho jidla a další vylepšení./Hell of stylish celebration of life! Colourful and interesting rock typhoon, special additional program for vision and atmosphere. Confirmed bands/artists: Welicoruss (RU), Steel Engraved (D), Anthology(SK), Menhir, Blamage, Procrastination, V.A.R, Mean Messiah, Chaos in Head, Sarkonia, Act of God, Liars and Meresiew. Hell pits/mines/caves are unique and rare in Europe, you won't find same caves anywhere else. This fact itself is a good reason to support this event. Above all the good weather has been ordered and you'll appreciate a bit of shade in the caves. We prepared for you outdoor and indoor stage where we can party until late hours, three bars, loads of food and much more...
Správci koncertu:
Out of Hell