Tara Fuki host aNNika (AT) | Bandzone.cz
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Tara Fuki host aNNika (AT)

Music Lab

Opletalova 609, Brno-střed, Brno
Ukázat na mapě
160 Kč

Předprodej vstupenek:

Music from spider fibers of the dream land quietly unweaves the melancholic eros of the landscape… in it uncovers soothing voices.

Tara Fuki music is absolutely racy and uniqe, based on common improvisations which are then continually elaborated, delicately dynamic and rich in its expression. Enriched by reflections of different musical styles with the flavour of distant lands, it creates an original kaleidoscope of the feminine inner world.

Their songs for two wooden bodies interlaced by caressing sound of Polish language create a fragile web of tones which, by a wave of a bow, can change into dangerous trap. Like dreams, their music can also gently caress and soothe, but also hurt in its brutal intensity. Since the beginning in 2000, Tara Fuki has been very successful performing in the concerts across Europe. The first Czech band ever having showcase at WOMEX (2007 in Sevilla).

The duo managed to prepare an extraordinary musical experience on the last album Winna (2014) which is as silent and velvety as a night and powerful and ferocious as a spring stream at the same time. The mutual understanding and creative spark between both ladies has been so strong while recording the album that they made do without guests which is in the best sense a reminder of their debut album Piosenky do snu. Winna has spent 3 months in Top 20 in WMCE (1-3/2015). Tara Fuki got a professional award at Czech music crossroads 2015 showcase festival. The duo performed at Eurojazz festival 2018 in Mexico, Urkult festival 2018 in Sweden, Cairo jazz festival 2016 in Egypt, Waves festival 2017 in Denmark. Tara Fuki song has appeared on compilation of Czech world music for Songlines magazine issue No. #131 (2017).

Yelke Van Laer in the Belgium magazine Folk #3,2015: „A beautiful entirety it is for sure, crowned with beautiful vocals."


The Best of Tara Fuki (2015)

Winna (2014)

Sens (2010)

Auris (2007) - Czech "Grammy" award in the World music category

Kapka (2003)

Piosenki do snu (2001) - Czech "Grammy" awards in New comer and Alternative-World music categories
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