Embrace finality europian tour | Bandzone.cz
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Embrace finality europian tour


m13 rock hell

Benešova 612, Brno-střed, Brno
Ukázat na mapě
Simia Sapiens (Švýcarsko)
On the road since 2017, Simia Sapiens have played around 100 concerts, shared stages with bands such as Phil Campbell (Motörhead), Clawfinger, DUEL, Mother's Cake and released their second album "Embrace Finality" in December 2018, with which they now embark on their second tour. Simia Sapiens play a unique mix of heavy stoner riffs, driving punk rhythms and howling guitar sounds. In their lyrics they take a clear stand against oppression of any kind, for more solidarity and raise socio-critical issues. Their live shows are energetic and loud. This is Stoner-Punk-Rock.

Reservoar Dogz (Brno)
Reservoar Dogz is a hard rocking machine not afraid of anything! Since 2013 they have been rocking the stages all around central europe! Their motivation to rock hard comes from the music of their idols: AC/DC, Motorhead, Airbourne, G’n’R and like them they are keeping it simple with the instruments: Bass, two guitars and drums are everything any hard rock band needs. Every stage is a battlefield they are going to conquer! With two albums recorded (Time,Person,Year – 2014, Hard Ride – 2018), they are going to keep this ball rolling, and continue the journey to the top of the rock’n’roll world!

Meanwhile in Space (Brno)
Pětičlenná kapela z Brna, která hraje alternativní metal. Letos vydali EP Moon, které naleznete na Spotify i dalších hudebních platformách. Videoklip na song Unbreakable rozhodně stojí za zhlédnutí.
Správci koncertu:
Tomáš Jesus, Betty_1
Zobrazit více koncertů ve městě Brno