Curse of Zullu - Videa |

Curse of Zullu melodic-metalcore / Trutnov

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Blood Eagle
    Eternal Servitude
  • Endless Wheel
    Eternal Servitude
  • Broken Mirror
    Eternal Servitude
  • Prepare For Love
    Eternal Servitude
  • Frozen Lake
    Eternal Servitude
  • Endless Wheel (Garage Quality)

Korona - Endless Wheel (video s písmenkama)

Ostatní Vznik: 24.2.2020
Zdravíme přátelé,
chtěli jsme se s Vámi podělit o nejspíš poslední nahrávku v garážové kvalitě, než se dostaneme k nahrávání studiovému (a také si Kubík chtěl trochu zaexperimentovat s editem). Shromažďujeme materiály, sbíráme zkušenosti a snažíme se, abyste si to s námi užili i VY! Video tedy prosím ještě berte s rezervou a doufáme, že se někde brzy uvidíme/uslyšíme!


Matchmade! Raid!
To the heavens gate.
We are worthless beings
God said – propagate.
Shut up! Kneel!
This is endless wheel .
This is endless wheel!

(Sloka 1)
Waiting for silence.
I am loud – so selfish.
Give me the guidance.
Make a wish, make a wish.
Madness is cure!
Full of a lure!

Dont throw yourself away.
I know best – you can do it.
Inner beast complain.
Stay away just stay away.
Fight on your own!
Wait for new dawn!
So I keep waiting for:

Matchmade! Raid!
To the heavens gate.

We are worthless beings
God said – propagate.
Shut up! Kneel!
This is endless wheel .
Dont believe in yourself?
Empty core – show the peel.

Matchmade! Raid!
To the heavens gate.
We are worthless beings
God said – propagate.
Shut up! Kneel!
This is endless wheel .
This is endless wheel!

(Sloka 2)
There´s a light upon the sky.
And stars falling apart.
There´s no strength without the cry.
My theory of art…
Conjure day without the night!
What is left and what is right?!

Sharing lies secretly shiver.
Wield with golden mace.
I would rather sell the liver.
Than show you my real face.
Salavation denied!!!
There are better one´s to fight
and see the light!

(Slow down ending)

Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate!
Hate! Hate! Propagate!