Lavagance 'Gabriel' (B-COMPLEX Remix) | official lyric video
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 13.4.2014
Lavagance 'Gabriel' (Remix by B-COMPLEX) Official lyric video by: Tom Lobb (Beyond Music)
Original track by Lavagance:
There's a lightning coming out there
Beyond the horizon
What do you think will happen next
What will be the answer
Will we try to run away, there's nowhere to anyway
Like bright night stars
vanished with morning ray of light
Is your Gabriel still standing behind you
You don't have to become a man of silence to give him a hand
You don't have to become a man of silence to give him a hand
There's a lightning coming out there
Beyond the horizont
What do you think will happen next
What will by the answer
You don't have to become a man of silence to give him a hand
You don't have to become a man of silence to give him a hand
Voľný preklad:
Za horizontom blesky, hromy
akosi sa blížia tam kdesi z diali.
Čo myslíš? Čo vo svojich krídlach nesú,
akýže plán nám do duší pošeptajú?
Človekom ticha si sa už narodil,
zhynúť predsa kvôli tomu nemusíš.A kam by si chcel utiecť, chlapče?
Veď všade jednako jest.
Radšej ty noc celú, celučičkú
hlaď na oblohu jasnú,
a pozoruj, ako hviezdy s ranným svitom miznú,
a vedz, že aj tvoj údel nateraz bol neúnosný,
čoskoro sa pominie.
Stráž len ty si stráž cestu späť ku svetlu,
vnútorným hlasom nechaj sa viesť,
a vedz, že tvoj Gabriel ti jest svetlom v noci temnej.